Yesterday is history.Tomorrow, a mystery.But Today is a gift, that's why it's called Present. Enjoy your special day!
May today and each of your days be filled with love and joy. Congratulations!
Everything you dream of, everything you long for, everything that makes you happy... that's what I wish for you on this special day and always. CONGRATS!
I send you sunshine. I send you joy. I send you lots of love on this special day! Congratulations
Since I can't give them to you representative brings you all my hugs and kisses.Congrats!
My best wishes to a very special person. Congratulations
On your special day you deserve a huge bouquet of good wishes: JOY, LOVE, LUCK, HEALTH, HAPPINESS Congratulations!
Sending you a box full of sunshine. Enjoy your special day!
Here I send you sunshine and lots of love to brighten up your day even more. CONGRATS!
All our cards are free. Have fun!