In my heart there is a place that will always be yours. RESERVED Thanks for your friendship!
Storms are not so scary when we go through them together. I'm glad to be on this journey with you
I'm sending you a hug in case you feel cold, a smile in case you're sad, an angel to watch over you, and this card so you don't forget me.
Today is a good day to let optimism catch us, filling our hearts with hope and joy. Have a beautiful day!
Every day is a blank canvas. You choose the colors. Paint yourself a beautiful today!
I'd love to give you a big hug.Take this one until I can hug you in person.
Have a beautiful day!
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow, a mystery.But Today is a gift, that's why it's called Present.Have a wonderful day
Keep your feet on the groundand your eyes on the stars.May all your dreams come true!
All our cards are free. Have fun!